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“Another principle that’s near and dear to my heart is the idea of promoting intergenerational connections. A college campus is uniquely positioned to connect generations around a shared love of learning.” (Lindsey)

“Universities should recognize a range of educational needs for older learners.” (Lindsey)

“21st century universities are highly technology enabled. How do we think about supporting people with technology barriers. We need to think about how to close that digital divide for learners of all ages.” (Lindsey) 

“There is no boundary or barrier between the (retirement) community and the campus community. We have students in the (retirement community) building all the time. We want that. We also have residents on the (college) campus all the time. These are the kinds of organic exposures and interactions that I feel are the most powerful part of this model.” (Lindsey) 

“Older people have forgotten what it’s like to be young but also young people have not developed the skills to project their future selves, which is so important. It means that you can make decisions now that will benefit the future version of you.” (Lindsey) 

“So many folks at 75 no longer identify with their careers. They no longer want to say ‘I’m a retired physician or a retired real estate broker’ they want to say ‘I’m a learner, I’m a mentor, I’m whatever it is I’m doing now.’ They have value now and post career identity and I think that’s what that student ID card represents.” (Lindsey) 

“We bring the university to (the community residents). You can really say that you get what you need in terms of care as you age but also you get what you want in terms of learning and enrichment and intellectual stimulation.” (Lindsey) 


Lindsey is on the Executive Council of the Age Friendly University Global Network and is Senior Director of Lifelong University Engagement at Mirabella at Arizona State University. 

Lindsey works at the intersection of higher education and senior living, creating opportunities for senior living residents to fully immerse themselves in campus life at Arizona State University. With a background spanning the Peace Corps, aging services, and higher education, Lindsey is redefining what it means to age with purpose. 

Mirabella at Arizona State University is a luxury retirement community blending vibrant senior living with lifelong learning. Located on ASU’s Tempe campus, it offers residents cultural events, educational opportunities, and upscale amenities, fostering intergenerational connections.

Mirabella as ASU is the first certified university-based retirement community in the nation. It’s a 20-story Life Plan Community located on ASU’s campus, opened in December 2020. The community includes 238 independent living units, 17 assisted living units, 20 memory care units and 21 skilled nursing units.

Merging higher education with senior living might seem unusual, but this fusion can disrupt and redefine both fields. The concept of a university-based retirement community exemplifies how bringing together two distinct industries can lead to groundbreaking innovations and new possibilities.

While in grad school at ASU, Lindsey noticed her classmates accumulating significant debt due to high housing costs. This led her to start a home-sharing agency in Phoenix to match older homeowners with college students, allowing students to rent a room in exchange for household chores. 

University-based retirement communities are gaining popularity, and there are compelling reasons for this trend. The baby boomer generation, being the most educated retiree cohort ever, has a strong nostalgia for its college years. 

Mary Munoz is senior managing director at Ziegler. She was also a guest on our weekly Roundtable where she shared some insights from her 30 years of experience in senior living.

At Ziegler, Mary works with a broad range of senior living communities and multi-facility systems in strategic growth planning and creative financing strategies. She also has extensive experience with start-up CCRC projects, campus expansions and redevelopments, and refinancings.

Here’s a closer look at some highlights from her presentation: 


Crises have continually transformed the senior living industry. During her time at Ziegler, Mary saw the financial impacts of 9/11, the Great Recession, and the COVID-19 pandemic, all of which led to mergers, bankruptcies, and industry consolidation. She noted a similar trend in the 1980s hospital sector, where reimbursement changes triggered widespread mergers.

In senior living, larger organizations are increasingly the ones that adapt and thrive, as they can diversify and spread costs. Mary believes single-site communities are declining as pressures rise. She stressed that future crises are inevitable and urged organizations to prepare. She challenged the audience to consider how their sales and marketing efforts are positioning their organizations to adapt and remain resilient.


Understanding the bottom line is crucial, yet it’s often overlooked in organizations. Mary pointed out that while some employees are revenue centers, every employee is ultimately a cost center. 

She referenced the Retirement Housing Professional Program at LeadingAge, where Ziegler taught the financial module, and she frequently led the West Coast sessions. In her training, she encouraged participants to engage with their CFOs using a set of key questions, including, “How do I impact the bottom line of this organization, and how can I improve that impact?”


Mary emphasized that while technology will be transformative in senior living, it won’t be resident-facing tech that makes the biggest impact. She believes that older adults in retirement communities crave physical contact, social interaction, and a sense of community, much like teenagers do. She noted that technology alone cannot solve the loneliness issue that older adults face; in fact, it could potentially make it worse.

Instead, Mary sees back-office technology as the real game changer—tools that improve workforce management, healthcare efficiency, and operational processes. It’s not about replacing people with robots, she explained, but enhancing the human element and creating opportunities for more meaningful interactions.

Varsity’s Roundtable is a weekly virtual gathering of senior living marketers and leaders from across the nation. For updates about future weekly Roundtable gatherings, submit your name and email address here


We recently welcomed Lindsey Beagley from Mirabella at Arizona State University as a guest on Varsity’s weekly Roundtable gathering. Lindsey describes her work as “innovating at the intersection of higher education and longevity.” As senior director of lifelong university engagement for Mirabella at ASU, Lindsey creates opportunities for residents to engage with the ASU campus. 

The following are some highlights from her Roundtable conversation. 


Merging higher education with senior living might seem unusual, but this fusion can disrupt and redefine both fields. The concept of a university-based retirement community exemplifies how bringing together two distinct industries can lead to groundbreaking innovations and new possibilities.


The baby boomer generation, being the most educated retiree cohort ever, has a strong nostalgia for its college years. Additionally, boomers are healthier and have different expectations for retirement, compared to their parents and grandparents. Andrew Carle, who coined the term “university-based retirement community,” identified that seniors seek active, intellectually stimulating and intergenerational environments — qualities that are inherent to college campuses. 


Lindsey believes that the 65-85 age range is not about winding down but, rather, a renaissance. Supporting this, the highest proportion of entrepreneurs are between 55 and 64 years old, showing a trend toward retooling and applying skills in new ways. Additionally, many people over 65 feel about 20 years younger than their actual age. To engage this demographic, products and services should meet their functional needs while reflecting their youthful self-perception.


The benefits of intergenerational connections are profound. For young adults, engaging with older generations enhances civic engagement, boosts entrepreneurial skills and builds self-confidence. For older adults, these connections reduce social isolation and improve quality of life, along with offering physical benefits, such as better balance, increased strength and reduced risk of falls. 

Varsity’s Roundtable is a weekly virtual gathering of senior living marketers and leaders from across the nation. For updates about future weekly Roundtable gatherings, submit your name and email address here


Joy Loverde is a path carver, a keynote speaker and a best-selling author. Her book, “The Complete Eldercare Planner” helps senior living shoppers figure out “where to start, which questions to ask and how to find help.” 

She also knows what it takes to plan effective sales events for senior living communities. For more than 35 years Joy has participated in hundreds of senior living marketing events as a keynote speaker and a mature marketing consultant. She joined our weekly Roundtable recently to share some of the things she’s learned about sales events. The following are some highlights from that conversation. 


There have been significant shifts, particularly in the demographics of attendees at independent living prospect events.The audience has become much younger and healthier over the past decade, with participants as young as 45 and many in their 60s and 70s who are active and healthy. Joy highlighted the presence of young widows in their 50s and 60s who feel invisible, as well as the LGBTQ+ population, who are concerned about finding inclusive living environments. 


Prospects today are much more informed. Attendees, especially boomers, enter the events with extensive knowledge of the products, whether it’s assisted living or independent living. They have thoroughly researched online and are aware of various lifestyle housing alternatives. 

Many attendees have experienced caregiving for their parents or grandparents, which has made them aware of the difficulties and financial nightmares associated with end-of-life care. This personal experience has informed their decisions about what they do not want as they journey toward old age.


In the past, discussions focused on the benefits of communal living and dining preferences. Today, boomer prospects express more of a desire for control and individuality. For example, customizing their personal living spaces is important to them.  

Another significant shift in questions revolves around emotional wellness. In addition to boomers, many younger widows attend Joy’s events. They ask about individual support in the areas of grief, yoga, meditation, and spirituality. Joy further explained that in general many boomers are frequently experiencing grief due to the loss of loved ones, and they express the need for ongoing emotional support.


Joy noted a significant shift in event location strategies. Previously, there was a focus on holding independent living events at luxurious off-campus venues like country clubs to showcase community life. Now, the trend is toward smaller, on-campus events for Life Plan Communities, accommodating up to 60 people. Smaller audiences allow for more personalized interactions and attention to individual prospects.

Conversely, events for assisted living are now often held in vibrant settings like country clubs. These venues offer a feel-good environment with healthy food and social opportunities, which can be particularly appealing to prospects and adult children facing crises. 

Varsity’s Roundtable is a weekly virtual gathering of senior living marketers and leaders from across the nation. For updates about future weekly Roundtable gatherings, submit your name and email address here.

Total solar eclipses are rare events. The last one we saw in the U.S. was in 2017. This year’s total solar eclipse on April 8 will last longer and will be visible in more states than the last event.

If you’re looking for the best views, you’ll have to watch from Texas, Arkansas, Missouri, Kentucky, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, Vermont, New Hampshire or Maine. In Arkansas, that means over a million people will be visiting from across the country for the state’s largest tourism event ever. The entire state is gearing up, including state troopers, hotel clerks and restaurant owners.

Parkway Village, a senior living community in Little Rock, Arkansas, is getting ready, too. “There is definitely an air of anticipation as April 8 gets closer!” said Alyssa Majeske, the community’s wellness and activities coordinator.

With its home state a prime viewing position for this rare event, Parkway Village is going all out in throwing a solar eclipse viewing party. “We have quite the event planned — it will be such a fun time for our residents,” said Alyssa. “We are planning to have yard games to play, music, ‘safe sparklers,’ and, of course, we are providing solar eclipse glasses.”

Best of all will be the food. “We are planning a fun menu of snacks and desserts that are in line with the theme of the event — foods like Milky Ways, moon pies and specially shaped cheese and crackers,” Alyssa said.

“We are starting the viewing party right before the partial eclipse begins (projected to be 12:33 p.m.), so our folks can have the full experience of the eclipse,” she continued. “We will have LED Tiki torches to light the path, as well. There will be music with a mic system, so we can make announcements — for example, to let our residents know that they need to wear the eclipse glasses whenever any part of the sun’s disk is visible. We want this to be a fun, memorable experience for our residents here at Parkway Village.”

Parkway Village is anticipating attendance of 100 to 200 residents, or more. “Our residents are very excited,” said Alyssa. “Just this week, I’ve received multiple phone calls making sure we are still hosting a viewing party.”

The eclipse has also attracted prospects to Parkway Village. There are several tours booked for the week of the solar eclipse, and they are all people from out of town who are here to view the celestial phenomenon. Most of the community’s guest rooms are booked, too.

An opportunity like this only comes around once in a great while, but the total solar eclipse does provide inspiration for planning other events. From Super Bowl parties in February to tax prep workshops in April, tying your community’s event to something that’s happening in the greater community can create excitement and draw in potential residents.








Yesterday, we celebrated our 200th Varsity Sales & Marketing Roundtable. Over 50 attendees tuned in to hear special guest John Spooner, co-chief executive officer of Greystone Communities, share his presentation, “Understanding the New Consumer Mindset.” Here are some highlights of John’s fascinating discussion.

More Than a Retirement Counselor

You may be called a retirement counselor or marketing assistant, but you have to think of yourself as the chief revenue officer. The organization won’t thrive unless you have success bringing new residents into the community.

The Three Buckets of Prospects

How many clients do you have that are sold on your community, but still won’t move forward? We put prospects into three buckets:

  • Planners: They know what they want and they move through the process relatively fast.
  • Procrastinators: A giant bloat in your database: They’re sold but they’re just not moving forward.
  • Crashers: They wait too late, and come in after they’ve had a health scare. Now they need AL, but they really want IL.

‘I Understand and Want the Benefits of Your Community, BUT …’

The procrastinators say things like, “I couldn’t leave my home.” “Let’s talk next year.” “I’m not ready.” “I need to think about this.”

We call those F.U.D. (fear, uncertainty and doubt). Those are people that we have trouble moving through the process. Their objections are not unique. Sometimes it’s an emotional objection, sometimes it’s a financial objection. They toggle back and forth and switch to another one after you’ve got them covered. So the question is, at what point do we lose them? When the reality sets in that they have to make a decision.

Selling Senior Living Is Hard, Buying Is Harder

Selling is a difficult job. But buying is harder because prospects are coming into it without a lot of knowledge, trying to make a decision that most of them don’t want to make. That’s why you have so many people in your bloated database.

Prospects Have Created a Living Terrarium — and They Want to Stay There

We’re genetically engineered to conserve energy by minimizing energy expenditure. It’s easy to say, “I can’t move because I can’t change my doctor, my plumber, my friends.” Prospects have created this living terrarium that they are living in — they are not going to expose themselves to self-imposed chaos. They say, “I’m going to hit the easy button and live in my ecosystem. Ecosystem equals status quo.

Battling ‘Status Quo’ Bias

Everything that prospects think or say is about seeking information that confirms their decision to do nothing and maintain the status quo. They are so fearful of making a mistake for an uncertain outcome that they can’t move forward. Simply put, their fear of messing up is more than their fear of missing out. Our job is to break the gravitational pull of that senior status quo. When you can move their status quo so that it becomes less than the community, everyone wins.

Your competition isn’t another community across town. Your competition isn’t “staying in their own home.” The REAL competition is NO DECISION. Some seniors are playing the same “no-decision” game with every community in town. They live in a constant state of indecision. You need to know how to recognize it and overcome it. They are thinking, “What if your community isn’t what I want?” Your job is to give them confidence that they’re going to go in there and be OK.

Prospects do not want to talk about you or your community. They want to talk to you about them. When you go to the doctor, you don’t want to watch a video of their latest operation, you want them to talk to you about your problem. The same goes for senior living. Don’t give a long description of the community … the choice of three entrees … the meal points program … the beautiful apartments — prospects want to talk to you about them.

Going Beyond Discovery 101 to ‘Radical Candor’

There are standard discovery questions that we all use. But it really needs to be about breaking the status quo. It’s about the art of personal engagement and addressing uncomfortable topics to give prospects personal insight. You have to learn to attack their outcome uncertainty and reframe questions to get them to understand why they have to break the status quo.

That requires radical candor. You have to challenge them by asking uncomfortable questions, like:

  • Does the next five years of your life look like the last five years?
  • That house isn’t working for you anymore, is it?

It might be unpleasant and it might be scary for you to be this forward, but it’s OK. The first two to three questions are difficult, but you will be surprised at the great outcomes. Don’t talk to prospects about all the contract options — talk to them about how they can break out of their little terrarium. Radical candor is about caring personally and challenging directly.

Your job is to ask and then to reframe the probing question into a statement that assures them they have the confidence to make this decision. Challenge their positions and biases, and then stand up and make a recommendation to them. You are the subject matter expert. You are the one they have turned to to help them spend the last years of their life. From your discovery, you know what is important to prospects. You can start with “This plan is a popular option” or “I personally prefer this option.” It shows that you have diagnosed their needs and have a personal recommendation. 

Indecision Junkie Recovery Program

To sum up, here are six steps to indecision junkie recovery.  

  1. Own the flow of information.
  2.   Employ “radical candor.”
  3.   Anticipate objections and indecision.
  4.   Use your discovery knowledge.
  5.   Community  > Risk > Status Quo
  6.   Make a personal recommendation.

What Your Community Can Offer Prospects

Security. Predictability. Safety. Dependability. Reliability. Permanence. These qualities represent what your community can offer prospects — the stuff deep down in their emotions that they’re looking for. You just need to wash away the fear by leading them through the mire and muck of “status quo bias” — giving them confidence to make a decision.




With “Live to 100: Secrets of the Blue Zones” coming out recently on Netflix, there is a renewed interest in the research and concept of Blue Zones®, areas around the world where people live much longer than average, with the highest rates of living centenarians.

In 2004, author Dan Buettner teamed up with National Geographic and the world’s best longevity researchers to identify pockets around the world where people live measurably longer and better lives, and to see what commonalities there might be in their behaviors, practices and lifestyles that might result in this longer lifespan. They discovered five locations where people reach age 100 at a rate 10 times greater than the average in the United States: Okinawa, Japan; Sardinia, Italy; Ikaria, Greece; Nicoya, Costa Rica; and Loma Linda, California. When pinpointing these locations on a world map, Dan circled them in blue, and therefore called them Blue Zones®.

Researchers found that the lifestyles of all Blue Zones’ residents shared nine commonalities, which they called the Blue Zones Power 9®: Lifestyle Habits of the World’s Healthiest, Longest-Lived People. These behaviors are grouped into categories: Move Naturally, Right Outlook, Eat Wisely and Connect.

Those of us in the senior living space would love for our residents to live longer, healthier, happier lives, so the question is, “Can we replicate this philosophy and these practices in our communities?” We already offer healthy meal options, fitness and exercise opportunities, and a sense of belonging, but how do we get residents to buy into it?

Some Varsity clients have modeled their wellness programs after the Blue Zones practices. We’ve hosted marketing events to educate people on the Blue Zones philosophy and its importance related to longevity, and then four smaller events dedicated to Moving Naturally (yoga, stretching), Right Outlook (meditation, mindfulness), Eating Wisely (Chef cooking demonstration with Mediterranean diet with wine pairing) and Connection (practicing good communication skills and technology). Some communities even code the events on their activities calendars with icons representing the Blue Zones practices.

While both residents and prospects enjoy the events and agree with the concepts in theory, it’s a pretty heavy lift to get people to adhere to a lifestyle that may be foreign to them. It’s a huge culture shift that may be difficult for some to achieve. Case in point, I recall one resident that I joined for breakfast who told me that her doctor recommended she eat more fruits and vegetables, so she ordered a cherry Danish instead of her usual cheese Danish. True story.

While we would like our residents to “live better, longer,” all we can do is offer the options to do so. The choice is obviously theirs to make, and perhaps having that autonomy is more important.



We hear over and over again about the extreme staffing shortages in senior living, and particularly about the lack of interest that younger people have in working in this industry.

But one twenty-something is bucking the trend. Alex Pavone, who graduated from Penn State University with a degree in health policy administration, said, “For many people, especially younger adults, senior living isn’t an appealing field. But for me, the industry is really intriguing. With the older population expanding, it poses a lot of opportunities for a long-term career.”

Alex’s interest in senior living started at a young age. “Volunteering at a community in high school, a college course in long-term care management, shadowing opportunities, as well as close relationships with my grandmothers,” she said. “These are a few of the things that sparked my interest in the industry.”

Alex’s recent visit to the 2023 LeadingAge Annual Meeting in Chicago made her interest even stronger. “I thought it would be a great opportunity to see what kind of resources are available to the industry,” she said. “The most fascinating thing was seeing the innovative products vendors have brought forward to serve these communities.”

Alex particularly loved the technology offerings. “I was especially interested by technology-based viewing of communities that allows you to ‘walk’ through the community without having to be there in person. This is a great resource for adult children as well as potential residents. Another technology I was excited about was robot restaurant servers.”

Currently working as an account manager and analyst, Alex has a strong work ethic, which runs in the family. Alex has seen her father, Michael Pavone, work to expand his business into many areas, including starting Varsity in 1992 to address the needs of the aging Baby Boomer population.

When asked what she has learned from her father over the years, Alex did not hesitate to share these three pieces of advice:

  1. Never give up.
  2. Hard work pays off.
  3. When you love what you do, you never work a day in your life.

It’s not hard to see that wherever her career takes her (hopefully to senior living), Alex is sure not to work a day in her life.


Over 350 sales and marketing professionals from senior living organizations of all sizes across the U.S. participated in the 2023 Senior Care Marketing & Sales Summit (SMASH) in Henderson, Nevada. Two of Varsity’s roundtable participants attended the sold-out conference. In this post, Mark Hamby, Director of Resident and Family Services at Parkway Village, and Christine Hall, Senior Director of Marketing and Public Relations at Franke Tobey Jones, share with us 11 of the hottest trends that they heard about at SMASH. As you’ll see below, there have been a lot of new changes in the space since we posted about the top 10 senior living market trends during the pandemic.

  1. Occupancy has flattened out. The average occupancy across senior living in 2023 was 80%. 20% of communities are under 60% occupied, so more communities are discounting this year.
  2. AI is transforming the customer journey. Within five years, every webpage and follow-up email will be completely different for each prospect, with copy completely tailored to their interests.
  3. Prospects are aging. 20% of prospects and 25% of new residents are 90+ years old.
  4. Digital marketing is more important than ever. For all communities, 40% to 60% of leads are coming in digitally. One important feature that prospects want to see on websites is accurate, transparent pricing. Also, communities need to protect themselves from lawsuits by including HIPAA-compliant copy that assures prospects their information will not be sold.
  5. The senior living industry is underperforming. According to Forbes, senior living is the third largest industry, but is also the most underperforming. Our space is doing 9% of total business, but we should be doing closer to 19%.
  6. Adult children are shopping online at night. A huge number of adult family members are researching communities between 8 p.m. and 8 a.m. Communities should consider hiring a call center or using a chatbot to ensure customers can get initial information after hours.
  7. Speed to lead is critical. 70% of prospects will tour a community within seven days of initial contact, and during that time, sales teams complete about 10 touches. The first community to reach a lead is most likely to get the tour. Sales teams must reach out within 20 minutes to an hour, or the lead will go on to another community.
  8. Online reviews are crucial. 91% of people looking for senior living communities are using Google reviews —  the highest percentage of any industry (80% said if the community doesn’t have four stars or more, they won’t consider it).
  9. Value-select premium pricing is on the rise. Pricing of same-sized units is no longer identical. Consumers don’t want to pay as much for an apartment that looks out on a parking lot as one with a lake view.
  10. Fear of COVID-19 is still the biggest obstacle to move-ins. It’s important to educate prospects, letting them know that fewer than 1% of 800,000 residents have contracted COVID and that communities continue to strengthen their safety policies.
  11. Biggest selling tool: a welcoming atmosphere. Prospects put a huge emphasis on how they feel when they walk in to a community. A friendly, engaged atmosphere with smiling staff and residents is the best tool for closing sales.

In the agency world, “creative” is a department, a role, a title. It’s the job I signed up for a long time ago, for all the reasons you might expect — the daily opportunity to do something different, solve new problems, tell new stories. To be overtly “creative.” But after 25+ years in the agency world, one thing I know for sure is that creativity isn’t only found with our creatives. Every member of our team exercises creativity in their role every day in one form or another.

Because each of us here at Varsity has a unique perspective on the work that we do to support our clients, and the work our clients do to support their residents, I’ve asked the team to celebrate National Creativity Day by sharing their thoughts, insights or favorite quotes on “creativity” and what it means to them. From our team to yours, Happy National Creativity Day!

“Creativity means looking at the world through your own lens. Being willing to look beyond the obvious and consider the ‘what ifs?’ ”

—Derek Dunham, Vice President Client Services

“Creativity is a way for me to express myself … and then to reflect.”

—Jodi Christman, Digital Production Director

“For me, creativity is about trying new things and thinking outside the box.”

—Jackie Stone, Sales & Marketing Consultant

“For me, creativity is about freedom.”

—Joe Barry, Senior Art Director

“Creativity is about letting your mind run free and exploring without boundaries. It’s when you look at everyday things in completely new ways. That’s when you come up with the fun stuff, the weird stuff, the really good stuff. Albert Einstein said it best: ‘Creativity is seeing what others see and thinking what no one else ever thought.’ ”

—Erica Reed, Senior Copywriter

“Scott Adams said, ‘Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep.’ So much of being creative is not being afraid to make mistakes, to put any and every idea out there. Collaboration gives us the opportunity to sift through those ideas to see what inspires others and truly rises to the top.”

—Reneé Kelly, Art Director

“Creativity is thinking, being or doing in an original way.”

—Natalie Groeger, Senior Account Strategist

“Creativity is seeing the world from a perspective different from your own.”

—Jace Dawson, Project Manager

“Creativity means looking at a problem differently and coming up with a unique, out-of-the-box solution. And making things prettier. :)”

—Emily Runyon, Account Strategist

“I’ve always liked the Pablo Picasso quote, ‘Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up.’”

—Ellie Weaver, Account Strategist

“While most people think of creativity as artistic expression or the creation of something, in my world, creativity is being able to look at a situation, question whether it can be better, and come up with solutions to simplify or clarify a process. In many cases, it’s not invention, but rather re-invention.”

—Amy Beamer Murray, COO & Partner

“Creativity reflects the moment when we discover something new — sometimes through novel experiences, sometimes through the filter of prior knowledge — but always the unfolding of a greater understanding that connects each of us to unexpected possibilities.”

—Bill Mulligan, Account Director

“Creativity means being able to tell an authentic story in words or imagery.”

—Jodi Gibble, Sales & Marketing Consultant

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